
Friday 8 August 2014

Review : ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics
 Sun no longer bothers me ... thanks to this gem in my skin care routine...

About The Company - Salina Cosmetics : 
In their words

At Salina Cosmetics, we are constantly striving to provide revolutionary & innovative beauty products

• Salina Cosmetics has a distribution network setup that is used to distribute
cosmetics to all parts of Pakistan

• We have highly qualified sales and marketing teams that are responsible for marketing these products all over Pakistan

Our Organic Face Masks are made with all natural ingredients and have no chemicals added to them, they are 100% chemical free. 

We are currently offering the following Organic Face Maks:

-Orglow is our all natural, all organic face mask, that tightens, brightens and whitens!

-ClearGlow is our organic face mask for Acne Prone, Oily and problematic skin!

ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

Packaging : 

ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

Usage Guide : 

ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

Sealed Packaging  
ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

Actual Product : 
ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics

Final Results
Results after using ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics
My Thoughts About It : 

I was really excited to try the much raved face mask these days . Yes I am talking about none other then Orglow by Salina Cosmetics . 

After getting my hands on it I couldn't hold any longer. So, without wasting a single second , I opened the jar and gve it a go after following the instructions carefully . The directions for usage were easy and clear . So I mixed 1 tbsp of Orglow and 1tbsp of fresh yogurt with few drops of Rose water ( as my skin is oily/combination ). People having normal to dry skin can replace Rose water with glycerin . Apply the mask on your cleansed/washed face and rest for 30 minutes ( or till your mask is completely dry)   After that , i slightly damped my face with water and gently removed my mask by moving my fingers in circular motion having no pressure at all ( don't do this if you have pimples on your face or if you have very sensitive skin ) . After that I wash it off with water . I was expecting a sparkling shiny glow on my face ... BUT to tell you the truth .. my face looked neat and clean but there were no signs of miracle ( as I was literally expecting some super model image in the mirror .. silly me ;) )   . But I must admit , my face was super soft .. like my skin was baby soft and I wasn't able to stop myself from touching it again and again...

I wasn't shocked or disappointed by the results . I Knw that some products react totally different on  different people. So I decided to add it in my skin care routine and gve it a go twice a week  . Also i wanted to check the results of this mask during Summer and Rainy season for the review purpose as most of the products totally disappoints during these tough seasons . To my great surprise , after sometime people started complimenting me on my random Instagram pictures taken by my phone camera( you can also check my Instagram by clicking HERE ) and started inquiring about what I am using these days or whats the reason of that shiny healthy glow on my face . Now I hardly use foundations these days  as bb creams or even sunblocks are more then enough for my healthy skin Ma Shaa Allah.  I must say that I am so thankful to Orglow for giving me that healthy , shiny , glow and for making it possible for me to remain tan free this season.

Would I recommend it : 

Definitely Yes , consistency is the key to get the desired results. 

ORGLOW - Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask By Salina Cosmetics is Made in Pakistan ( I am totally proud of the fact ) and is Priced PKR 850 per jar plus delivery charges. 

For more information , check ORGLOW By Salina  Cosmetics Website by clicking HERE or you can check their Facebook page

Now You can win this amazing product . Click the IMAGE below for details 

New Year 2015 Awesome Giveaway ! Get your GLOW ON with ORGLOW !!!

Have you tried Orglow  ? Whats your experience ? Would love to know :) 


  1. great review sana =) gonna give it a try myself ^_^

    1. thanks a lot dear .. do share your experience :)

  2. Wow reading all the great reviews am so tempted to try this ... and you are loooking soooo cuteee in the pic MashAllah..can u share what lip color are u wearing..?

    1. awww u r a love .. thanks dear ... believe me i dont remember my lip color details :(

  3. So wana try this product after reading your review

  4. To me it looks like the traditional ubtan. I wonder if you have tried the saeed ghani brand ubtans.they are real value for money and do not "westernize" the product.

    1. no never tried them .. but surely will give them a try .. n its not like Ubtan coz i have used Lakhnow ones :)
