
Saturday 8 February 2014

Book Review : D-Nine By Magus Tor

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. 

What if you wake up one day and found out that you are of the opposite gender?

James is suffering from bouts of headache and the latest one gives him an experience of a life-time. He gets to become a girl but it comes with a price, his or rather her life is in constant danger as assassins hunt after her. He needs to find out who is behind this before his and her life becomes forfeited. In the midst of adventure he also needs to face with another difficult situation, love from another guy. Will he survives the conspiracy or death is a welcome solution to his forbidden love.

About The Author :  Magus Tor

A doctor by day and game designer (and writer) by night, Magus Tor hopes to be able to turn the tables and become a game designer by day and doctor by night! He has published three books despite English being his not-so-favourite subject at school.

Magus Tor enjoys writing because it is fun putting the fantasy he has in his crazy mind into words others can read and share. He started writing in 2008 as a challenge to himself, because English was his worst subject in his schooling years, and writing wasn't his forte at all. He completed his first book New Dawn with the help of friends and colleagues in 2008. After that, there were two years of silence as his busy life caught up with him. In 2010, he managed to complete his second book titled D-Nine, based on a playing card game he designed himself. Later in 2012, he finished writing his third book called The Phantom of Misery Sea and got it published in 2013.

Magus Tor is a man of many hobbies, he spends a lot of his free time day-dreaming, designing games, playing games, watching anime, reading books, and occasionally writing. He had three iphone games available on Apple Appstore, namely: 'Up and Down', 'D'urtle' and 'X-Match it'.

Currently, he is still working as a medical doctor, but hopefully in the future he can work full-time as a game designer with practicing medicine as a hobby.

My Thoughts About It : 

To me, reviewing a book is like commenting on someone’s child.... felt not right or good. But I was asked to review this book and share my thoughts. So here I am.

Reading was my passion before my baby. Every month, I use to spend a portion of my salary on buying or collecting books. But after having a baby, a book in hand is just a dream.

So I try reading an ebook rather having the one in hands. It’s convenient and handier for moms I guess. And you don’t need the lamp or torch to read , that may disturb your husband's or baby’s sleep. Ok enough rambling, so here are my thought about the book.

This book is fiction based . I love reading fictions , fantasies and all. But by saying that, mostly Disney movies came to our minds. A beautiful princess, a handsome prince some drama more romance that’s what we relate to fantasy most of the times (at least I do). But this book is no way close to it.

It’s a wild fantasy of a Doctor no doubt. Having a brain tumor, he gets delusional and living in two worlds parallel but absolutely opposite to each other. One being a man who is  a doctor and struggling with his brain tumor , on the other hand a beautiful princess who is living a life full of continuous action , no way near or closer to romance ( just a hint may be ) .

After suffering from some terrible headaches the doctor lost his  consciousness  .Upon awakening , he finds himself in different body , different gender in a complete different era and circumstances . The story continuous with his spirit shifting to these two worlds and how he handles the situations  accordingly . Also he is totally unaware why and how he is in two different worlds simultaneously.Mostly these transformations happened during his sleep or else he lost his consciousness by any means .

Between the actions and some drama , the mystery is finally revealed that doctor's spirit travelling between two very different times is the result of some magic . As his actual body was weak and the princess body was empty so he was called to fulfill this space. 

Later the story also unfolds that his actual body  suffering from some serious brain tumour needed a critical brain surgery and he may die during that operation . whereas his life as princess is also in danger . On that critical note , he has to make the decision , The toughest decision that which body he likes to keep forever and loosing the other for ever. The story becomes interesting in the end when the writer gives you(readers) the opportunity that how this story should be ended by giving  two very different options to choose from . ( I wish that real life comes with that option too ) 

By reading this book, one thing I was sure about and that is the writer must be a man.  As most of the pages are filled with complete action details ( sometimes unnecessarily ) . I seriously get bored at some points and tried to finish the action scenes in hurry . Another thing is that the princess tends to sleep A LOT . I literally mean that . There are points that i even started yawning because either the princess is fighting or sleeping . May be it was the demand of the story but even in that case it needed more details less action at some points . 

You might like it : 

  • If you like fiction 
  • If you like action based stories 

You might not like it : 

  • If you don't like action based stories 

Its a story of one spirit that occupies two bodies and in the end it has to decide which body it likes to keep forever . 

I would love it more if it has less action , more drama and romance :) 

D-Nine By Magus Tor eBook can be delivered from amazon or smashwords

I hope you all enjoyed reading this post . Do let me know by your lovely comments . 

Stay Healthy and Haappy 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. Now this sounds interesting! Will definitely look for this book around.

  2. Sounds interesting but I really hate action details in books...Yes I do love action movies and I always prefer them but not in books....xoxoxo....:D

  3. Oh! Interesting post! If relevant to the story, I find action details interesting :) Will hopefully "borrow" book from you one day to read :P
