
Sunday 10 February 2013

Valentines Day Inspired NAil Art and Color Studio Professional INJUSTICE

Hi Friends , 

As many of you already know that i have participated in a Valentines Day Inspired NAil Art contest by  Color Studio Professional . So i asked for your help to support my not so perfect mani but guess what COLOR STODIO guys are improfessional enough that they remove my picture because i am a page owner without even informing me . I am not the only victom they did this with other girls as well. 

I wouldnt raise my voice if they mentioned this earlier in the rules that page owners cant apply n all but this is not fair. Well enough said :@

Its not at all easy being a new mom to find the time and energy to participate or even done mani and ask family and friends to support you and all goes in vain. Totally not acceptible. 

 MY ENTRY and call for vote was : 

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME FRIENDS <3 by clicking the image and liking my pic <3 or by simply clicking HERE

Now you can buy this amazing Nail Color from . Simply Click HERE  , just follow the steps and you can get it at your doorstep . Its that easy... then what you are waiting for girls ... GO GET IT !!! 

Have a happy nad healthy life
Stay Blessed 