
Sunday 23 December 2012


I so desperately wanted to do hair chalking with the best in expensive ways and wanted to share my experience with you all ... cause i know Makeupoholics would LOVE IT ! :) so here i am ... lets do it girls ...


I am always looking for the best, harmless and yet inexpensive easy ways for  following all the latest trends in the fashion world. 

My last hair tutorial regarding Highlighting Your Hair At Home : Tips And Tricks was highly appreciated so i decided to come up with the best safe and inexpensive way for hair chalking. 

Hair chalking is an easy, quick and inexpensive way to add temporary colour to your hair. You can do it yourself without making a big mess.

Step 1: Buy your chalks

NOW its the major fun part. I know many people/face book pages are offering hair chalks right now( at somehow higher prices). But you know what? You don't need any special hair chalks AT ALL ( imagine the first person who came up with the idea , does she have any specialised hair chalks ??? NAAAA ) So , i did my hair chalking with ordinary OIL BASED PASTEL COLOURS ( used by kids normally) FOR JUST PKR. 120 that are easily available at any superstore. 

All you need other than the chalk is a water bottle (optional), protective gloves( optional , i didn't wear any ), hard paper ( as shown in the pic above), a large comb,  dryer (optional , i didn't use any ) and a flat iron.

Step 2: Prep your hair

Make sure to wet the hair first so the colour can stick to your hair properly. However if you’re blond( or have lighter hair colour), do not wet the hair before chalking unless you want the colour to stay in for longer period.I used to apply the chalk after taking bath when my hair are slightly damp. 

Step 3: Add the colour

Apply the chalk to the strand of hair in a downward motion, twist the hair as you are applying chalk. I put the strand of my hair on a hard paper and then rub the chalk as it makes it more easier. 

If your hair are darker in colour then its preferred to rub the white chalk before applying the desired chalk colour. In my case , it wasn't needed to apply the white chalk as my hair strands were easily picking up the chalk colour.

You can try for a fun ombre look, or just do a couple of strands.

Step 4: Let it dry

You can blow dry your hair, some recommends air drying so that you don't blow off the chalk.I usually don't use any blow dryer. 

Step 5: Set the colour

Seal the colour in with a flat iron or a curling iron rod to add waves. Apply hair spray as a final step.

I didn't use the curling iron because ANAYA woke up :/

If you want straight hair , it is recommended to iron your hair before chalking and then apply the colour on selected hair strands and then again just iron the coloured strands . 

I just dabbed the hot iron on my coloured strands and then tried to roll the coloured strand around my flat iron to get wavy hair. 

Step 6: Wash it out when you are ready

The colour generally lasts for one shampoo; however, if the hair are more porous, such as colour-treated blond hair, it can last a couple of washes.

To protect my hair from drying i used to apply an egg+oil mask ( one egg and 2-3 tbsp of oil) on my hair for 1-2 hrs before shampooing leaving my hair super soft. 

for reference, I simply washed my hair after the next day because my hair were full of tangles. 


  • If you want something brighter, you can apply white chalk first and then go over it with the colour you want to make it pop.

Hair chalking Don'ts

  • Don’t apply the chalk with any wax or product in your hair.
  • Don’t use water on blond hair if you don’t want the colour to last for longer.
  • Wear protective clothing when applying hair chalks and try to sleep on an old pillow case as the colour may leave some ugly stains.In my case , hair chalks gt transferred a little bit on my shirt but not on my pillow. 
  • Don’t try this near the water/beach or on a rainy day( i don't know why ;p )
  • Make sure your hair are tangled free before hair chalking
  • Don't comb your hair much after hair chalking

Hair chalking tips for your hair colour

Blond -- Blondes can have a lot of fun with hair chalking, but they shouldn't wet their hair first. Read these tips on how to chalk blond hair.

Brown -- Brunettes can use any colour hair chalk. With lighter brown hair, the colour will be more intense.

Red -- Redheads can chalk their hair, too. They just need to pick the right colours of chalk. 

Black -- Those women with black hair need to pick bright, vibrant shades of chalk. And it is highly recommended to apply white chalk first and then go over it with the color you want to make it pop

AND the Final Results are ....


If you have any questions regarding hair chalking , feel free to ask .Would love to help you <3

*Some text and images are taken from the Internet without any intention of violating any copyrights .

Hope you like my efforts:)

Stay Healthy and Happy

Have you tried Hair Chalking ? What's your experience ? Would love to know :)


  1. They indeed look gawjuss after getting done but we cant neglect the fact that they make hair so rough and dry thats why Im afraid !!!! Thanks for sharing though xxx

    1. thanks dear ... and you can protect your hair from drying as i mentioned above by applying egg+oil mask ... mine are perfect so no worries :)

  2. so am trying this out...thanks :)

    1. no problem dear ... go ahead and if you want to know any think thn m hr :)

  3. i m sending the link to my sis who is crazy about this.thankyou fr did a great job on your hair.if ANAYA hadnt woken up at the wrong moment who knows what wonderz of hairstyles you would have come up with :)

    1. lol... i totally agree :)
      and thanks for sharing.. go ahead <3

  4. great post..loved it..will definatley try :)

    1. thanks n go ahead ... don't forget to share the experience :)

  5. Wow! That's coool!!! Now, Im tempted to try it too! ^_^ Love the colors! Thanks for sharing this! :) Thought it doesnt work well :)
    Following your blog now. Hoping you'll follow mine too :)

  6. You have explained it very well. Great post! :)

  7. That looks fantastic...awesome tip:-)

    1. This iz really really nice.. U hav grt job chanda.. Its relly good.. Welldn.. Mrs amjad

    2. awww thank you so much for your kind appreciation, you made my day :)

  8. hey sana this is wat i was looking forwrd,,i just wana know tht when all th procedure done i mean aftr colrng and apply dryer then is it needed to wash aftr 1 or 2 hours or jst leave the hairs?...kindly ans

  9. You just need to leave the hair coz the colors are temporary and washing them will wash the color as well .. xoxo
