
Thursday 24 November 2011

My Second Blog Award : The Versatile Blogger By Fabulous Aimee

I have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by  Fabulous Aimee a fellow beauty blogger from Malaysia . I just love her honest reviews and her stylish blog.Thank you soooo much dear for your love and support <333 :) 

I'm extremely excited to get my Second blog award! Yayyyyyyy

There are three rules for this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Send it along to 10 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them.


1.  I just love to eat, Seriously from Dessi to Continental , Chinese to Mexican or thai ,  i just love to eat good food. And whenever i am feeling low or blue .. a good meal can do all the magic ... ( My family n friends always takes an advantage of it  )

2. I have a serious SWEET TOOTH ... my meal isn't finished without anything sweet .

3. Yoga is my trick to burn all the un necessary fats… I dnt believe in dieting…

4. I am just crazy about buyng shoes… I cant resist Simply J

5. I was once a Banker  @American Express Bank… awww good times…

6. I love watching and reading fairytales …

7. I can not live without my Family … they are my life line … 

So, these are 7 facts about me .. hope you like them... Once again i am really thankful to all of you for your love and support .. without you Awesome people it wouldn't be possible ... Please keep supporting  <3

I would like to share this Blog Award with the following beauties : 

1. Sara Hassan from Sara Hassan Blog 

2. Areej Usman from Areej Usman's Blog 

3. Rakhshanda from Rakhshan's Blog

4. Sidrah from Beauteous Blog 

5. Atia from Makeupmonologue

6. Shang J from  The Feminine Crusade

7. Aaliyah from PyariBeauty

10. Ruqaiya Khan from Rk's Beauty and Fashion Blog 

I am really honored to share this award with all you beauties... Keep up the good work ...

Love xoxo


  1. Thank You for sharing this dear! :)

  2. Congratulations!! :D It was nice knowing about you <3 I also can't resist shoes so I only go out to shop when I need them. Thank you for giving me the award ^_^

  3. thanks a lot Sana for the lovely award!! <3 u :) x

  4. @Sara.H hehe same hr ... m honored Sara <3 :)

  5. hay congrats... :)

    Well am also shoes Freak... cant resist ma self too.. :O i dont know why Shoes always attract me, i feel they are calling me to buy them :O

  6. CONGRATS for the award & thank u so much for passing it on :) Hey tell me ur secret If u have a sweet tooth how do u manage to stay in shape ;)

  7. Aw thank you dear for awarding me! I looove to eat as well! so nice to know about you

  8. Congratulations and thank you for the award hon. You deserve it. ♥
    I don't have a sweet tooth at all. :P

  9. @Areej Usman lol I totally agree .. same case wid me ;D

  10. @Areej Usman i think its yoga or may b i am GOD gifted ... u think i should write a post abt that ;)

  11. @Shang J. really ??? i am proud to have a sweet tooth ;)

  12. Hi hunnie:-) thanks for acknowledging this award and the flattering words:-) I love to eat good foods too and I have an obsession with shoes as well:-) Tell us about yoga:-) Been planning to do that too:-)have a great day! ,.<3

  13. @Fabulous Aimee my pleasure dear :) m planning to write a post on yoga soon...:)
